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    Главная » Литература » Книги » История

    Star of India. The Log of an Iron Ship
    29.01.2018, 22:22
    Автор: Jerry MacMullen
    Язык материала: Английский

       As monument to the glory days of sail, the Star of India, when her restoration is complete, will be available to public view. San Diego is her final berth, and fittingly so, since that port has ever been maritime minded, her citizens eager to preserve the romantic past. Built for the colonial trade and christened Euterpe, she was launched at Ramsey, Isle of Man, in 1863. She is afloat today because she was constructed of iron, and so has withstood a century of varied weather and climate. She ran the easting down with her 'tweendecks jammed with seasick emigrants. She was in a collision in Glasgow and another in Freemantle. She was frozen into the ice of the Bering Sea, and she has been ashore in the Hawaiian Islands and at the mouth of the Nushagak River. Under Hawaiian registry, she was in the lumber trade, under the Alaska Packers she worked the fisheries until 1923. But the story of her retirement years rims the gamut of excitement-she travel to Skid Row and back constantly inciting adventure. The Author, who has been a sort of ship's husband throughout this time, has reconstructed from her log books her vigorous life history which you will find completely enjoyable reading.

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