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    Главная » Литература » Видео » История

    History Of The Royal Navy. Vol.3. - Steam, Steel and Dreadnoughts 1806 - 1918
    19.06.2010, 19:03
    Автор: History Channel
    Язык материала: Английский

       This History Channel series takes a fascinating look at the rise and decline of one of the most powerful fleets the world has ever known The Royal Navy.

       Steam, Steel and Dreadnoughts 1806 - 1918 
       With the exception of the surprising setbacks inflicted by America's fledgling navy during the War of 1812, the 19th century was a time of unchallenged mastery for the Royal Navy. Nevertheless, technical innovations developed at an unprecedented rate and forever changed the face of the navy. Muzzle-loading cannon fired in broadsides were replaced by powerful breech-loaders mounted in revolving armoured turrets. Mighty Wooden Walls were shattered and replaced by iron and steel as sail gave way to steam power.
       Finally, in an extraordinary leap forward in naval design and construction, a super-ship named the DREADNOUGHT was launched in 1906. She was the brainchild of the British admiral Sir John "Jacky" Fisher and, under the first Lord of the Admiralty, Winston Churchill, sparked a naval arms race with Germany that culminated with the gigantic showdown at Jutland during WWI. Ironically, the very expense and complexity of the Dreadnought, which had kept the Royal Navy in the lead over its rivals, led to Britain's ultimate naval downfall. The Washington Naval treaties of the 1920's and 30's saw Britain finally give up what no rival has been able to take from her in battle - absolute rule of the seas.

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