1992 marked the 500th anniversary of the European discovery of the Americas by Christopher Columbus.The details of Columbus’s ships - the Santa Maria, Nina and Pinta - remain lost to historians, for the ships were built before the first manuals of shipbuiding were written, and no documentatin or illustration has survived.Nevertheless, extensive researh has allowed the construction of a number of replicas over the years, and those built for the 1992 celebrations are without doubt the most accurate reconstructions yet.Many years of research by Jose Martinez-Hidalgo and his successors into the Naos and caravels of the 15th and 16th centuries have allowed a whole new insight into the design and construction of the famous ships of Columbus.The Anatomy of the Ship series provides the finest documentation of individual ships and ship types ever published.What makes the series unique is a complete set of superbly executed line drawings, both the conventional type of plan as well as explanatory perspective views, with fully descriptive keys.