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    Главная » Литература » Журналы » Osprey

    Victory vs Redoutable at Trafalgar 1805
    03.05.2012, 21:39
    Автор: Gregory Fremont-Barnes
    Язык материала: Английский

       Late in the morning on October 21, 1805, warships from the British and combined French and Spanish fleets clashed off Cape Trafalgar on the Spanish coast. After a six month game of cat and mouse across the Atlantic, 27 British ships of the line engaged the Allied force of 33 ships of the line. This was a duel of skill, tenacity and bravery as captains and crews battled for mastery of the seas. This book is an opportunity to relive the action at Trafalgar - read the accounts of sailors who were there, and who experienced the sound of scraping cutlasses and bombarding cannons at one of the most important naval engagements of history. Understand how the guns were operated, learn about the training of crews and study the design and development of the incredible ships which dominated naval warfare of the period, as Gregory Fremont-Barnes reveals the revolutionary tactics used by Nelson to secure a victory that saved Britain from the threat of invasion and ensured British naval dominance for over a century.

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    Категория: Osprey | Добавил: moops | Теги: виктори, Victory, Trafalgar, Redoutable
    Просмотров: 1597 | Загрузок: 50 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
    Всего комментариев: 0
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