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    Главная » Чертежи » После 1900 года

    Santa Eulalia

       In January 1918, a schooner sporting three masts and named Carmen Flores was launched at the beach of Torrevieja. The vessel was active for almost 80 years, during which time it underwent various modifications and changes of name. Between 1928 and 1975 it was a motor sailer and went by the names of the Puerto de Palma and the Cala San Vicenç. As of 1975, by which time it was called the Sayremar Uno, it operated as an auxiliary ship for underwater work. The vessel continued to work in that capacity until 1997, the year in which the Museu Marítim de Barcelona acquired it through an auction.

       That purchase saw the museum posed with one of the most significant and difficult challenges it had ever faced, namely the recovery and restoration of a historical vessel, adhering to the strictest criteria in terms of the protection of cultural heritage. The first of its kind to be undertaken in Spain, the operation was also intended to be an initial step towards recovering our valuable floating heritage. 
       Having gathered together all kinds of historical and technical information that provided a highly accurate picture of the ship’s original appearance, restoration and reconstruction work began in 1998, following a principle of preservation wherever possible. 
       Certain parts had to be newly made, such as the masts, spars and rigging.Meanwhile, plans were afoot to make the ship operative, so that the restored schooner would be able to set sail in addition to being open to visitors in the port. Currently moored at Barcelona’s old port, the Santa Eulàlia has become the museum’s flagship and is a vital part of a comprehensive range of educational programmes and pedagogical and civic activities related to the Mediterranean Sea.

    Santa Eulalia

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    Категория: После 1900 года | Добавил: moops (10.02.2010)
    Просмотров: 2913 | Теги: Santa Eulalia, schooner | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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