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    Главная » Чертежи » 1700 - 1800 год

    Janita brigantino spagnolo XVIII
    1700 - 1800 год | Просмотров: 8794 | Добавил: moops | Дата: 17.02.2010

    Brigantino goletta Araldo 1700
    1700 - 1800 год | Просмотров: 2689 | Добавил: moops | Дата: 16.02.2010

       The privateer ship Rattlesnake was built at Plymouth, Massachusetts, in 1779 or 1780, allegedly to designs by John Peck. At various times it carried from 14 to 20 guns and its complement consisted of 85 men. It was captured off the American coasts in 1781 by the British 44-gun ship Assurance. It was taken to England, where it was renamed Cormorant and its lines were drawn. With its reduced dead rise and its very sharp fore lines the Rattlesnake must have been very fast. It had a detached forecastle and quarterdeck, linked by removable gangways, unshipped during the battles.
    1700 - 1800 год | Просмотров: 4864 | Добавил: moops | Дата: 15.02.2010


       Строительство La Belle Poule началось в Бордо в 1765 году, на основе проекта инженера Гуигнака. По этому же проекту были также построены Dedaigneuse (1766), Tourterelle (1766) и Amphitrite (1767). Проект оказался настолько удачным, что инженер вначал получил звание конструктора, а затем и дворянский титул. Корабли этого класса имели длину 44 м, ширину 11 м и водоизмещение в 903 тонны.
    1700 - 1800 год | Просмотров: 6705 | Добавил: moops | Дата: 14.02.2010

       Built in New England, before 1764. Purchased by the British Royal Navy 1764.
       Great Britain was often at war in the 1600s and 1700s, and Britain’s enemies attacked ships from the American colonies. To outrun danger, New England shipbuilders developed fast-sailing schooners. The Chaleur, a Marblehead schooner, represents a common type in the Massachusetts fishing fleet.
    1700 - 1800 год | Просмотров: 4228 | Добавил: moops | Дата: 13.02.2010

       HMS Roebuck was a 44-gun frigate launched in 1774 and converted to a hospital ship in 1790. In 1799 she was converted to a troopship, and four years later to a guard ship. She was broken up in 1811.
    1700 - 1800 год | Просмотров: 2867 | Добавил: moops | Дата: 13.02.2010

       La corbeta HMS Swift fue botada en 1763, y construida por artilleros ingleses. Contaba con 28 metros de eslora y estaba armada con 14 cañones de 6 libras y 12 pedreros de 1/2 libra.
    1700 - 1800 год | Просмотров: 2833 | Добавил: moops | Дата: 10.02.2010

       The ship was built by Ciprián Autrán and Pedro Boyer using the system and the new design specifications of Antonio de Gaztañeta. The work on the shipyard of Guarnizo in Santander was finished in 1732. This three-decker was a giant of 1965 tons that could take up to 114 cannon. At that time only the French Foudroyant was larger.
    1700 - 1800 год | Просмотров: 4345 | Добавил: moops | Дата: 03.02.2010

    Марсель (Marseille) французская 26-пушечная шхуна - учебно-артиллерийский корабль 1764 г.
    1700 - 1800 год | Просмотров: 5168 | Добавил: moops | Дата: 03.02.2010

    The HMS Druid is a 1776, 20 gun sloop of war ship.
    1700 - 1800 год | Просмотров: 5253 | Добавил: moops | Дата: 03.02.2010

    Rambler's Top100